

Canopy Tools

Canopy’s core focus is empowering our clients to do more for their business' online ecosystem using Canopy Tools. When you use our tools, the time-lag is eliminated. You can collaborate with your teams in the real-time creation of email newsletters, landing pages, and events. A built in approval process assures compliance, fact checking and on-brand messaging. You can schedule events and distribute any of your content to a wide range of social media.

Memopad is a custom content publishing tool. An intuitive app customized for your team that empowers them to easily create websites, landing pages, email signatures and slide presentations.

Leedback launches your social media presence. Posts are created, approved, scheduled and launched from a team-shared platform. Team members can monitor Leedback’s robust reporting mechanism for reach and conversions and adjust their campaign accordingly.

Commune keeps the team on topic and on the same page. When key project communications are out in the open continuity and follow-through are ensured.

Classe announces and organizes classes, workshops and tutorials. Keep everyone informed about online and in person classes. Classee is like a university website. Teacher profiles, class lists, workshop descriptions and inscription forms coalesce on one page to advance continuing education.

Canopy Tools from Canopy, we got you covered for doing what your business needs.